More than 30 Years of Innovations

LITESTAR Project is developed by a team of highly qualified programmers and designers on the basis of the everyday indications received by both our customers and our own experience in various sectors, with a special focus on compliance with the various international regulations.

Over the years, OxyTech has introduced numerous innovations, often as pioneers of important changes, such as:

  • 1990 - a new approach to lighting design software devised to integrate all types of projects, indoor and outdoor ones, in a single module. Until then, all lighting design programs were divided according to the type of project: indoor areas, outdoor areas, roads and tunnels.
  • 1992 - introduction of the concept of Multiarchive Program, a unique program with the archives of several companies.
  • 1998 - introduction of the Liswin parametric research module (interactive electronic catalog) able to search products locally and on the Internet according to more than 30 different parameters (commercial, mechanical, electrical, photometric and regulatory ones)
  • 2007 - introduction in the lighting sector of the new calculation algorithm based on the Photon Mapping method which is 10 times faster than the obsolete previous method, Radiosity
  • 2009 - introduction of the new OXL photometric format based on XML technology able to overcome the limitations of old-concept photometric files such as Eulumdat and IES. The first of its kind worldwide
  • 2010 - introduction of the WebCatalogs (product catalogs on the Internet) including the Drag & Drop option to drag all the data of a product into LITESTAR 4D Litecalc (lighting project) and Liswin (interactive electronic catalog) with just one click
  • 2011 - integration in the OXL file of data sheet data, product images and documents in PDF, MS Word Doc, MS Excel Xls, etc. file formats
  • 2012 - introduction of the R1 WebCatalog for specialized retailers of lighting luminaires and distributors of electrical equipment with the possibility to use the data made available by manufacturers and enable the e-commerce service
  • 2014 - introduction of the Batcher function of Photoview to process all photometric and colorimetric data automatically. This function is especially useful for updating large amounts of data
  • 2016 - integration in the OXL file of the colorimetric data that are added to the photometric, ones which is an absolute novelty worldwide
  • 2018 - creation of Pv Web, the first Web Server capable of creating real-time photometric files and graphics from OXL files
  • 2020 - introduction of the Flux-Power function according to the current allowing to concentrate in a single OXL file all the possible combinations derived from driving the LED drivers instead of having n LDT or IES files for each combination
  • 2021 - introduction of the management of the horticultural and UV fields of the 3D matrices of the spectra derived from goniospectrometry. The management is done directly in PAR (Photosynthetic Active Radiation) units for the horticultural field and radiometric units for the UV one.
  • 2021 - introduction of the spectral calculation in Litecalc which allows the switching of field among visible, horticultural and UV using the same functions of the program. The spectral calculation allows calculations of illuminance and luminance, photosyntetical photon flux density (PPFD) and irradiance, expressing the results according to the units of measurement of the different fields
  • 2021 - introduction of the management of the spectral rendering with which the color of the light is automatically defined through the spectra of goniospectrometry or spherospectrometry without having to add external information to the photometric curves LDT and IES