
Lambda Research Corporation proposes the Course "Beyond the Basics" that will be hold next March 9th and 10th 2021 from 4pm CET to 6pm CET.

This 4-hour instructor-led online training course will provide the attendee with a great starting point for using TracePro and for being able to start getting results right away. This course will be a mixture of lectures and hands-on examples. 

Topics to be covered include:

Session 1 (March 9th, 2021)

 Making custom properties in TracePro

  • TracePro property editors
  • Utilities in TracePro for making custom properties

 User settings in TracePro

  • Raytrace settings
  • User preferences
  • Default and custom settings

Session 2 (March 10th, 2021)

 Specialized tools in TracePro

  • Importance Sampling
  • Diffraction 
  • Polarization

Analyzing results Macro programming with Scheme

  • Introduction to the Scheme macro language
  • Macro recorder

Who should attend:

Engineers and scientists who wish to model and analyze the interaction of light with optomechanical systems.

  • Find more information and register
  • Access the Product Training section of Lambda Research Website
  • Access Lambda Research Website