Modular Lighting Instruments confirms LITESTAR Project 16 January 2024 Modular Lighting Instruments, the Belgian company from Roeselare specialized in the production of luminaires for indoor and outdoor, confirms the partnership regarding LITESTAR Project. Further details
Vibia Lighting S.L.U. confirms LITESTAR Project 21 December 2023 Vibia Lighting S.L.U., the Spanish company from Gavà (Barcelona) specialized in the production of luminaires for indorro and outdoor, confirms the choice for LITESTAR 4D. Further details
Studio di Ingegneria Ing. Luigi Iorio confirms LITESTAR 4D 20 December 2023 Studio di Ingegneria Ing. Luigi Iorio, the engineering and lighting design Italian company from Volla (NA), confirms the choice for LITESTAR 4D. Further details
Marino Cristal SpA confirms LITESTAR 4D 20 December 2023 Marino Cristal SpA, the Sammarinese company from Serravalle specialized in the production of luminaires for indoor and outdoor, confirms the choice for LITESTAR 4D. Further details
Rc Luce Srl confirms LITESTAR 4D 05 December 2023 Rc Luce Srl, the Italian company from Rozzano (MI) specialized in the production of luminaires for indoor and outdoor, confirms the choice for LITESTAR 4D. Further details